I’m Waleed, a UX designer with a background in marketing and product management.
Leveraging 5 years of experience in full-stack digital marketing, agile development, client service, and writing to create accessible, safe, and engaging experiences.
Selected WORK
- #Mobile, #UX Design
Building a Unified Travel Booking Experience
Consolidating separate checkout flows for different travel products into one unified flow.
- #Academic, #Research, #UX Design
Helping international graduate students make informed decisions about on-campus jobs
Redesigning a part-time on-campus job search portal for international graduate students
- #Product Management, #Research, #UX Design
Simplifying International Donations and Enabling P2P Fundraising
Designing and developing a donations and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) fundraising platform and financial backend that seamlessly routes funds to the affiliated charity in the country where the donor resides.
- #Product Management, #Research, #UX Design
Optimizing Online Donations
Revamping the mental model of donating to support a child’s education. Optimizing the online donations process and building an end-to-end analytics funnel for the marketing team.